
supported by NSF and DOE in collaboration with various research institutions

“How can we design intelligent, adaptive data management systems that leverage heterogeneous storage and I/O technologies to optimize applications performance and accelerate scientific discovery?”

research portfolio (2018 - present)

my research focuses on advancing the capabilities of high-performance computing (hpc) and intelligent data management systems

  1. foundation (2018-2020) focused on tackling core challenges in hpc storage with hermes and iris. these projects laid critical groundwork for intelligent i/o buffering, unified data access, and adaptability in multi-tiered environments, backed by $3.4m in nsf funding.

  2. innovation & growth (2021-2022) explored real-time processing and metadata management through chronolog and coeus. this phase introduced real-time capabilities into hpc systems, enabling sub-millisecond latencies and stronger ai/ml integration, with $7m in funding and expanded collaboration with national labs.

  3. ecosystem development (2023-present) integrating multiple research initiatives such as iowarp, labios, and dtio into a comprehensive hpc ecosystem. the focus is on adaptive storage that meets the demands of both traditional hpc and modern ai workflows, representing $6.5m+ in active funding.

key stakeholders

nsf national science foundation ⟨2018–present⟩
doe department of energy - advanced scientific computing (ascr) ⟨2020–present⟩
anl argonne national laboratory ⟨2019–present⟩
pnnl pacific northwest national laboratory ⟨2021–present⟩
llnl lawrence livermore national laboratory ⟨2020–present⟩
nrel national renewable energy laboratory ⟨2021–present⟩
snl sandia national laboratories ⟨2018–present⟩
ornl oak ridge national laboratory ⟨2021–present⟩
lbnl lawrence berkeley national laboratory ⟨2022–present⟩